
Saturday, 31 March 2012

The horse clan!

Hi everyone!

At the horse party I ended up in a horse clan its awesome!
Heres my friends

Sweet are you in one?
Let me know in comments!


  1. I'm sorta against clans, Because I have this sad story, It all started back in July when I first became a member. One of my buddies came and we started talking about different chats. o.O Then, We started a group called Fairy Police. A fewdays later we were the best of friends! another few days later she joins a clan, MadJaster's clan. Days pass, I don't see her then she is online again with this other bunny. The bunny said: "I'm in the clan. Could you please get out?" And I'm like, "Fine." Then she deleted me. :(

  2. Ohh well..
    It isn't really a clan I sort of want to stop clans too.
    It was really just a group of friends I had and we played Truth or Dare...
